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Deanna Wong


Deanna is originally from Sacramento. She is currently a fourth year and in the class of 2019. A few things she loves doing in her free time is going to the gym, outdoor activities such as hiking and kayaking on occasion, cooking anything pescatarian friendly, hanging out with friends and watching YouTube if time permits. Other orgs she is currently in are Seismic Design and SWE: Envision Outreach. She joined PSP in the Winter of 2016 as a part of Xi class. The positions she has held in PSP to date are PR chair, Historian, Rush Adviser, and currently president!

Nisha Rao 


Nisha is a Biochemistry and Cell Biology major in Revelle College at UCSD who aspires to go into genetic research. As well as science, she loves art, including everything from physical painting to digital design, and has done many years of musical theater. She joined Phi Sigma Pi as a 2nd year after hearing about it through her former roommate. Through the rushing and initiation process, she was able to meet many people with similar priorities and goals to whom she bonded with. Through Phi Sigma Pi, she says, she has found a family she is proud to be a part of.

Charmaine Lising 


Charmaine is a research assistant at the Brain Cognition Lab. She is also an English and Math tutor at UCSD's Preuss High School and a Sixth College Orientation Leader and Ambassador. She joined Phi Sigma Pi for the comraderie and opportunities to teach and be taught the necessary skills for a successful life. She recommends Phi Sigma Pi for those who need a challenge to showcase their leadership skills. 

Karina Barr 


Karina currently volunteers in a lab on campus researching the link between cognition and language. After the first info session, she felt that everyone was very welcoming and decided to join. She joined PSP to meet new people and make friends while also being in an environment that promotes leadership and professionalism.

Joanna Chen 


Joanna is a fourth year undergraduate aspiring toward a career in the nonprofit sector and is especially interested in giving back toward immigrant and refugee communities. She has participated in programs like UCEAP Thailand and UCDC. Through Phi Sigma Pi, she found a new family away from home and loves how  supportive and encouraging Zeta Alpha has been in her pursuing her passions. 

Jeffrey Chou


Jeffrey Chou grew up in Daly City. He is a third year Applied Mathematics major in Warren College. His favorite part of mathematics is the teaching aspect which he hopes to pursue a career in. He enjoys long hikes, cooks frequently, and spends too much time socializing. As a part of Phi Sigma Pi's Sigma class, he strives to improve his professional, social, and leadership skills throughout his time in the Zeta Alpha chapter.

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